Introduction to the Archives
Hello and welcome to the Otherworld, the only show on U92: The Moose to focus on conjuring a fantasy atmosphere. The Otherworld explores music that seeks conjures images of distant lands and fantasy ambiance through dreamy dungeon-synth, acid folk, neo-folk, and more. Featuring work primarily from small projects, it's an ambiance to which you can drift off and imagine yourself in another land.The Otherworld - Episode 42: Link and Setlist
Aura Shining Green - On the shores of the higher lakes
Veil and Sacred Plane - Wall of Tourmaline
A Compendium of Curiosities - The Glory of the Past Lies in the Actions of the Present
DUNJON MAGIK - the village of the stoned fishermen
BASIC DUNGEON - Holding the sphere of invincibility
KOBOLD - Face to face with the Black Priest
Alkilith -cavern of the bone collector
Blood Tower - River Worms
Duergar - Zagreas Torn
Witch Root - Taken to the Tower
Castle Zagyx - Queen of the Demonweb Pits
The Logical Lounge Experience - Skyrim
Thurnin - The Oath
Musk Ox - Le Phare
Evergreen Refuge - The Usnea Hangs From The Boughs As The Stars Hang Above The Pines
Dryadel - Dark Forest Ceremony
Ulvesang - The Break
Novemthree - Need
Bitch Book - Tomorrow’s Sun Sets
Darksol - Priestess’s Ritual
Erreth-Akbe - A Shadow Beyond Lastland
Fen Walker - Through Seedy Streets and Alley
Fog Castle -Sanctuary of the Fogwood (Twilight)
Fogweaver - Dragons’ Run
† Hole Dweller - Epilogue (Dear Mr. Loamsdown)
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