Introduction to the Archives

    Hello and welcome to the Otherworld, the only show on U92: The Moose to focus on conjuring a fantasy atmosphere.  The Otherworld explores music that seeks conjures images of distant lands and fantasy ambiance through dreamy dungeon-synth, acid folk, neo-folk, and more. Featuring work primarily from small projects, it's an ambiance to which you can drift off and imagine yourself in another land.

This is my initial attempt at archiving the show, I have kept a setlist since episode 1, but it was not until episode 42 that I attempted to record my audio so that it would be able to be played later. Big shout out to WFMU staff for the support and ideas. 

The Otherworld - Episode 42: Link and Setlist

Archive HERE
*Due to COVID-19 Restrictions this show was not recorded in studio, voiceover quality may be variable
  1. Aura Shining Green - On the shores of the higher lakes

  2. Veil and Sacred Plane - Wall of Tourmaline

  3. A Compendium of Curiosities - The Glory of the Past Lies in the Actions of the Present

  4. DUNJON MAGIK - the village of the stoned fishermen

  5. BASIC DUNGEON - Holding the sphere of invincibility

  6. KOBOLD - Face to face with the Black Priest

  7.  Alkilith -cavern of the bone collector

  8. Blood Tower - River Worms

  9. Duergar - Zagreas Torn

  10. Witch Root - Taken to the Tower

  11. Castle Zagyx - Queen of the Demonweb Pits

  12. The Logical Lounge Experience - Skyrim

  13. Thurnin - The Oath

  14. Musk Ox - Le Phare

  15. Evergreen Refuge - The Usnea Hangs From The Boughs As The Stars Hang Above The Pines

  16. Dryadel - Dark Forest Ceremony

  17.  Ulvesang - The Break

  18. Novemthree - Need

  19. Bitch Book - Tomorrow’s Sun Sets

  20.  Darksol - Priestess’s Ritual

  21. Erreth-Akbe - A Shadow Beyond Lastland

  22.  Fen Walker - Through Seedy Streets and Alley

  23.  Fog Castle -Sanctuary of the Fogwood (Twilight)

  24.  Fogweaver - Dragons’ Run

  25.  Hole Dweller - Epilogue (Dear Mr. Loamsdown)

 Announced but did not play


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